Press kit

General information and materials to Rent-A-Composer, its collaboration projects, press reviews and CVs in various lenghts.

Please note that this site is still under construction.


Information to Rent-A-Composer:
Rent-A-Composer info, pdf

CV Nina Deuse

Composer, Head of Rent-A-Composer
CV Nina Deuse, pdf

RAC portfolio, flyer + QR code

RAC portfolio, pdf, 8 pages, 8 MB
Currently only available in german

RAC flyer, pdf, 2 pages, 3,8 MB
Currently only available in german

QR code of the website, QR code, png, 22 KB

Rent-A-Composer logos

Logo in black, png, 56 KB, 915x915 px

Logo in white, png, 53 KB, 915x915 px

RAC barcode logo, png, 93 KB, 2109x1272 px

Project 1

Designer suit / BOOM GEAR

Information text about RAC project 1, pdf

Press reviews of project 1

Press reviews download

Coming soon

Project 2

Fire Is Catching / SUA

Information text about RAC project 2, pdf

Press reviews of project 2

Press reviews download

Coming soon